
Please see the latest news and updates in all things involving fitness, health and wellbeing.

‘I don’t care about the scales, I care about being strong enough to pick up my growing grandkids’

It is many parent’s dreams to hold the babies of their babies, right. But for so many people, especially over the age of 50 being able to pick up a 3-year-old or keep up with a 5-year-old is going to be a huge challenge physically. 

Nutritious, fast, delicious and healthy – 5 simple things you can do with mince meat to spice up your weekly meals.

Like so many of my clients I have kids and I work full time, so I have to be efficient when it comes to what I spend my time doing, especially as I have four people to feed. 

What happens on week 13 of a 12-week challenge?

Summer is around the corner, which means almost every gym or fitness studio are offering a 12-week challenge to get in shape for summer .

The dreaded ‘Why are you not drinking question?’

At events I attended each year and every year, without fail, I got asked why ‘I'm choosing not to drink alcohol?’ ‘How do I avoid the awkward questions about not drinking?’ 

‘He’s a shift worker who literally seats down for 10 hours a day’

Meet Tas. Tas has been a genuine gift to the ITS Personal community and me personally. And aside from his bad taste in music, he's an absolute gem. 

The magic phrase to help your hormonal kids…

Okay, I am not going to give you some ninja strategy about talking to your kids about their hormones. 

Junk Food and Your Ex – Which is more toxic?

First off, I know from experience divorce and breakups are not something that you take lightly. It's painful, shameful and almost always costly, emotionally and financially.