After being faced with our own personal challenges and learning to successfully overcome them, the desire to help others do the same has only grown. If you are looking for a trainer that will never give up and will turn every stone to find a solution to suit YOU, you have come to the right place. We're driven by results and have a no bullshit attitude. Everyone's view on a healthy body image is different and everyone has their own limitations of the changes they want to make to achieve their ideal.
At It’s Personal we cater our programs towards people from all walks of life. Our team can help you train to become physically fit and mentally strong, so you can be your best in all aspects of your life.
Member Success Stories
Connor McCrae
I started training with It’s Personal Transformation Specialists at 15 years as I desperately needed to gain weight to stop my body from wasting away. I had gotten myself into a very lazy cycle of just eating dinner in the evening. I lacked energy which made me not care whether I ate or not. For me, the challenge was opposite to most – I needed to learn how to eat. My FIRE training was slow and progressive, but as I began to see incremental progress my motivation heightened. I started to enjoy eating more high energy carbs and gradually my energy levels, strength and self-motivation increased, which had a knock-on effect into all my activities.
Now, 30Kg heavier, I am more confident to go after my goals. The electrical apprenticeship I’m doing is quite physical, so the appreciation for my improved lifestyle and nutrition habits goes beyond what I could’ve imagined – there’s no way I would’ve had the energy to do the apprenticeship had I not changed my habits.
It’s Personal creates an environment where you feel safe to train whatever your starting point. I wouldn’t have achieved what I have without the accountability, structure, encouragement and never-ending belief they provide!!
It's Personal classes are designed to provide a functional full-body workout while improving energy levels, metabolic rate, strength and endurance.
Keep up to date with our latest information and articles on health, wellnesss and fitness. Our team will walk you through some of our greatest transformations, and how each person conquered their goals.
  • ‘I don’t care about the scales, I care about being strong enough to pick up my growing grandkids’
    It is many parent’s dreams to hold the babies of their babies, right. But for so many people, especially over the age of 50 being able to pick up a 3-year-old or keep up with a 5-year-old is going to be a huge challenge physically. 
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  • Nutritious, fast, delicious and healthy – 5 simple things you can do with mince meat to spice up your weekly meals.
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  • What happens on week 13 of a 12-week challenge?
    Summer is around the corner, which means almost every gym or fitness studio are offering a 12-week challenge to get in shape for summer .
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  • The dreaded ‘Why are you not drinking question?’
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  • ‘He’s a shift worker who literally seats down for 10 hours a day’
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  • The magic phrase to help your hormonal kids…
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  • Junk Food and Your Ex – Which is more toxic?
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