2020 MP Female Transformation Award
Ourania Dimitriou
5 years ago, I proudly won the first ever MP 2015 12-week challenge, losing 27 kgs in total. For me that was a moment I will never forget as I knew I’d found the lifestyle I wanted, - healthy, sustainable, ongoing and enjoyable.
Over the next few years, I hit a few road humps and put on 10 kgs. I went into denial to myself and believed what people were saying to me, “You look good”, “You’re doing great!” Or “You look amazing”.
The one person that was truly honest with me was my Personal Trainer Elizabeth Kalabakas who is also my best friend. I am forever grateful to her as she gave me the extra push and opened my eyes to things I couldn’t see.
I unconsciously did not see what I was doing wrong when I had gained weight. I thought I was eating the right things and exercising correctly, but I was doing the exact opposite of what my body needed.  At this point, Elizabeth guided me to see the bigger picture and I knew something had to change so that’s when I began to change my habits back to more realistic and long-term ongoing ones that were sustainable. I went back to fuelling my body correctly and doing a normal amount of exercise that was appropriate.
To this day I am forever grateful and blessed for Elizabeth to have such an amazing trainer and best friend that is always going to be there for me at my hard times and my up most achievable times.
“I’ve found the lifestyle I wanted, - healthy, sustainable, ongoing and enjoyable.”
2019 MP Male Transformation Award
Janos Benyhe
Growing up in Hungary, I developed a passion for wrestling and later boxing. I loved sport and was dedicated, disciplined and competed at a national level. I was active until the age of 19 when I decided it was time to look at the things I’d missed out on during my teenage years.  Unfortunately, during my 20’s I started to gain weight, which I did not like. I moved to Australia in 2009 and continued to be quite complacent about my body and my appearance. I became miserable and angry with the world and these emotions were beginning to infiltrate both my marriage and my workplace. I’d tried a lot of diets with my wife Beata that would last about a month, but they were not sustainable, so would give up.  We joined the It’s Personal community and never looked back.
I started to loss weight and gain back lean muscle, improving my tone and composition.  This gave me my confidence back and the miserable, angry emotions melted away.  It’s Personal provided me with a lifestyle that I could maintain and use to continually improve my life.
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that a transformation is continuous. When I started, I wanted to lose a bit of weight and stop the progressively creeping kilos from accumulating year after year. As I’ve continued my goals have become bigger and better.”
2017 MP Male Transformation Award
Brett Davis
Living with my body has been a lifelong struggle! I’ve been aware of my weight since the kids at primary school started to pick on me and isolate me as the chubby fat kid and from those days forward, I went through life misunderstood because I was always judged by my body size and shape before everything else. I was striving to cover my feelings of low self-esteem and tried to put on my happy face when I was amongst people. I learned that I could be ‘healthy’ in public but at night I would access the pantry and fridge where I could find much-needed comfort in toast, ice cream, chips, cakes and anything else I thought I could have unnoticed.
I was on a constant yoyo diet cycle. Over time my weight ballooned to over 150kg, I was diagnosed with diabetes which I had seen my father struggle with, so I realized I was in trouble. This is when I reached out to Elizabeth at It’s Personal Transformation Specialists. I had set myself a goal of completing the three peaks cycling challenge. I started my journey with MP FIRE, ICE and nutrition – the best decision of my life!!  I reached the weight loss part of my journey and my focus now will be continuing to improve my life. I’m no longer scared of failure because It’s Personal and MP has given me complete understanding of why and how to continue to be the best me!!
“From a life of being bullied and misunderstood to accomplishment and success!  Elizabeth and MP have a way of making you feel they are there just for you, but their dedication and passion spreads far and wide to everyone in the community.  I’m no longer scared of failure because I now have a complete understanding of why the next change or adjustment will progress me on my journey.”
2016 MP Transformation Award
Daniel McCrae
As a kid, I was skinny and confident, enjoying sports and hanging out with friends.  During year 9, a cloud came over me and everything seemed to become difficult. I was gradually becoming more and more depressed. I stopped my sports, stopped socialising and was placed on anti-depressants. I managed to hold things together academically but socially and emotionally I was a mess and food became a comfort. By the end of year 12 my weight had snowballed into triple digits and I was miserable. My mum encouraged me to join her training with the It’s Personal Community which was a huge challenge for me!! But I stuck with it and by the end of my first 12 weeks I had totally changed the way I was eating, and I could see my body becoming stronger. The kilos were falling off and emotionally my moods improved, I no longer needed anti-depressants. I knew I was onto a winning formula and I didn’t want to stop!  I found a lifestyle that is easy to maintain and lost my craving for sugar and junk and I’m comfortable that my habits now are ones I will have forever.
My transformation is due to the loyalty, belief, passion and dedication of my trainer Elizabeth, it has been life changing and life saving for me!!
“My amazing trainer Elizabeth really knew how to get the best out of me. Her motivation, encouragement and unfailing support pushed me through my low points, even on the days where I wasn’t feeling as strong as I could be, she worked her magic, so I never left a session without making some sort of gains.”
2015 MP Transformation Award
Ourania Dimitriou
I came to It's Personal Transformations when I realized that my life was at a true low point.
My relationship of 8 years had broken down, my mother passed away and I had to admit that what I had been fighting to hold together for so many years was a non-existent dream.
This really shattered me and made me look at what I was doing with my life. The only outcome seemed to be self-destructive in finding comfort food and a glass of wine to relax.
My weight started to creep up and my waistline was growing despite doing frequent cardio work. I realized I had forgotten about myself, everyone and everything always came before my needs. I needed to find myself. I needed help and realized I couldn't do this on my own.
"Thankfully I found It’s Personal and Elizabeth Kalabakas. Elizabeth taught me how to eat to fuel my body, exercise to improve my body and how to love and look after ME!! I will be forever grateful to Elizabeth and It’s Personal."